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Looking backwards to move forward
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Knowing the past is knowing the present and the future, and vice versa. Perception plays an important role in using our past knowledge to make future decisions. This planner explores this idea in something practical and inspirational.
Project Background
Project Process

Project Overview

Close up of month timeline on week page

This planner was designed to explore the concepts of inspiration, time, and typography. Based on the topic of typographical historic reference, using the metaphor of future, present, and past, and aspiring to create inspiration, the planner was created with a unique book layout and sequence as well as the weaving of both graphics and content.


The Process

Medium and Competitive Research: The project began with a thorough look into planners currently in the market, their specialties and strengths, material, layouts, and size. 

Photographs of planners and calendars from market research

Content Collection and Strategy: In addition to planner medium research, research on content also began including research on fundamental typefaces through the ages as well as quote collection for weekly inspiration on history and time.

Beginning of conceptualization for planner subject

Visual Exploration: A visual catalog was also created, gathering together ideas for a visual look and feel to complement the idea of time, inspiration, and typography.

Mood board document detailing keywords and key concepts



The final 300+ page planner was printed and hand crafted into a physical mock to be used for final press printing.

  • ‍Design Details:
  • Format: The format of the book was unique in it started from the traditional back and moved towards the front, like in Japanese books. This idea complements the idea of time and inspiration throughout, emphasizing that knowledge of history is necessary for the present and future. As the user moves forward through the pages, they are also going back in time. 
  • Spiral Bound: This binding type allowed users to easily open and flip the planner into a convenient size for cramp on-the-go situations and tight spots. The circular shape also supported the infinite past-present-future loop idea.
End pages that begin and end the book

  • Month Spreads: Each month spread introduced the month’s historical typeface, the month’s time inspiration theme, and a visual collage that emphasize the features of that month’s typeface. It also folds around the month’s pages, allowing users to jump around to far past or far future times and easily find pages within the planner.
February month spread that fold over to contain the week pages (Gills Sans month)

December month spread of blackletter typeface style

  • Veins: The main visual motif are lines representing veins. The black representing present and the red representing past. As the planner moves forward through time, the lines slowly converge, with the idea that as the user moves through the planner, they slowly intertwine the ideas of present and past itself.
The "veins" motif with lines converging at the end of the book

  • Typography: Each month has a separate featured typeface beginning with most recent to most historic. The planner’s visual consistency is held together by its image style, color usage, and grid system.
Month cover that begins the month (April's typeface is Century Expanded)

  • Quotes: Throughout the planner, on every page, are quotes about history and time, woven together to write a story that connects as the user moves through it. As a result, there are over 104 quotes for the 52 weeks in the book as well as other introductory and title pages.
There are two quotes per spread

  • Typographical Information: Each month features a little info blurb on its typeface to inform the user on its history, creation, usage, and special characteristics.
  • Overall Concept: In this planner, the ideas of time and perception are explored while being intertwined with typographical education. Inspiration is woven throughout through the quotes and the type information. In addition, the entire planner plays a part as a typographical and historic reference.



The planner was created as part of a competition and exhibition. The planner was one of the five winners and as a result, was sent to the Doosung Paper Company in Korea to be mass-produced and sold in multiple countries.

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