Dark Stars
The mystery of black holes
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Black holes are yet to be well-understood even in our great age of technological and scientific advancement. So, in a little children's book with unique features, we discover some truth that might have not been found in science books.
Project Background
Project Process

Project Overview

Inside the book—table of contents with colors designating each section

The purpose of the project was to create an experimental book design based on a concept in nature. Nature often reveals in itself mathematical beauty, which can be appreciated and used in design. This resulted in a book about the mysterious black holes—scientific phenomena that is barely understood even in our great technological age today. The book embodies the spirit of black holes in every way possible, from its typography and grid system to its format and materials.


The Process

Research: The project started off with immense information gathering on black holes to understand whatever we understand about it today. From the research, keywords and numbers were deduced, and images were collected in preparation for the visual design. 

Research findings including images and black hole diagrams

Ideation: The contrast of the color of black holes and the immense energy, light, and color it holds within was used for the basic metaphor of the entire book. The stark contrast is replicated visually, lyrically, and craft-wise.

Grid System: The grid system follows the perceived circular shape of a black hole, created by concentric circles and radial lines, gives the book a unique format and the text an appropriate density throughout. The number of concentric circles (17) multiplied by the number of radial lines (17) multiplied by one million is just under the speed of light, which is needed to escape from black holes. Since nothing can escape from black holes, and the book itself draws the reader within black holes, the number of lines is appropriate. The circularity also adds to the whimsy and contrast of the book.

The two simultaneous grid systems used within the book; linear and circular

Visual Exploration: To create contrast to the technical information within the book and the complexity of black holes, visual styles of whimsy and light-heartedness were explored. Eventually, a style of children’s book illustrations was set upon to not only contrast the subject, but to complement the powerful knowledge often found also condensed and beautifully articulated in children’s books. Watercolor explorations were also undertaken to further dive into this concept.

Watercolor paint testing for visual style and book image-making


Execution and Model Building

The book was designed, printed, and hand-bound.

  • Features:
  • Material: The covers are a thick heavy glass to explore a metaphor about the density of a black hole, its invisibility within our eyes and telescopes, and its delicacy and beauty. It also stands for how the book allows us to see through to the truth of black holes. The glass contrasts the regular weight paper to emphasize the contrast of the book concept, black vs. color, beautiful vs. dangerous, technical vs. magical.
The book bound between two glass covers

  • Book Layout: The book is an accordion fold book, with technically one page throughout. When unraveled completely, it shows the rainbow of pages within the two glass covers, acting as a prism dividing up light into its multiple colors, as the book divides up black holes into its various topics for digestion. One side of the book, Through the Looking Glass, shows the “truth” behind the beautiful black holes, dissecting its information, displaying its colors that are hidden from sight. The other side, Within Starry Wonderland, is a fairy tale that speaks of the sad stories of black holes that are misunderstood, this side completely black, but the typography plays with the circular grid to emphasize the fantasy and lack of reality of this side.
Spread on the birth of black holes

Spread on the concept of event horizons

Spread on the "Within Starry Wonderland" side telling the story of black holes

Spread using concentric circle grid of book

Photograph of printed and bound book opened to the dark stars introduction spread


Learned Lessons: It’s hard to bound glass covers. Glue research is necessary. And wear googles while sanding. Very important.

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